To report child abuse or neglect, please call 416.638.7800 x 6234. Outside of regular business hours, please call our after-hours answering service at 1-800-404-1393 to be redirected to one of our staff. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
JF&CS @ School
Jewish Family and Child Service works with Tanenbaum Community Hebrew Academy Toronto to provide individual, tailored services to meet students’ mental health needs. Our social workers:
meet with students to address issues of anxiety, social anxiety, challenges with peers, relationship issues, family-related challenges, self-regulation, bullying or depression
consult with teachers to help them understand student behaviours and to develop strategies to help the students and the class;
connect with parents and families, helping them understand their child’s needs and behaviours and how to work effectively with the school, and at times, provide them with counselling services as well
hold onsite, in-school team meetings and/or consultations
refer parents and school personnel to community resources
run groups or classroom workshops to develop social skills, self-esteem development, anti-bullying efforts, transitioning to high school
This program is funded through UJA Federation, individual schools and donors. To learn more, contact