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kids in class
anxiety, addiction, avoidance
October 28, 2014
To honour the 40th anniversary of JF&CS' Jerome D. Diamond Adolescent Centre, JF&CS held a highly successful one-day conference: Kids In Class: Anxiety, Addiction, Avoidance.
On October 28, 2014, 175 guests ranging from social workers to teachers to parents joined us at the TIFF Bell Lightbox to hear from Keynote Speaker, Dr. Anne Marie Albano, PhD, ACT, ABPP Director, Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders. Joining Dr. Albano was a panel of experts including:
Bruce Ballon, BSc, M.D, ESP, FRCPC from CAMH,
Dr. Alan Bardikoff, Ed.D., C.Psych,
Linda A. Conn, M.S.W., RSW from Sunnybrook and
David Kreindler, BSc, MD, FRCPC from Sunnybrook.
Based on evaluation responses, the conference served as an excellent professional and personal development tool. If you attended the event and would like to download Dr. Albano's presentation, please click here. We thank all who were involved from the planning committee to our event sponsors, Larry Saltsman and Michelle Lavine and family.