To report child abuse or neglect, please call 416.638.7800 x 6234. Outside of regular business hours, please call our after-hours answering service at 1-800-404-1393 to be redirected to one of our staff. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Launch Event
JF&CS invites you to join the launch of our
Centre of Service and Program Excellence for Poverty
The Centre of Service and Program Excellence for Poverty is a cross-sectoral initiative made up of community partners seeking to advance our work as it relates to people experiencing poverty. Our efforts are focused on capacity-building through the co-creation and transfer of knowledge, strengthening our community of systems, and utilizing emerging and evidence-informed practices to increase the effectiveness of service delivery.
Join us for a panel discussion, workshops, and networking on Tuesday, May 7, 2019
8:30am - 9:00am
Registration and Light Breakfast
9:00am - 3:15pm
9:00am - 12:15pm
Prosserman JCC, Room 211
4588 Bathurst St
Toronto, ON | M2R 3V2
This event is ideal for stakeholders who are a part of the agencies, services, and systems
that touch people who experience poverty.
Morning Panel and Audience Discussion: Emerging trends in Poverty and Service Delivery
Lesley McMillan, Director of Program Innovation, A Way Home Canada
Subhra Mukherjee, Founder, Sai Dham Food Bank, Peel
Barry Corbitt, Peer Support Worker, John Howard Society of Toronto, Reintegration Services
Sascha Gurwitz, Poverty Reduction Worker, Jewish Family & Child
Afternoon Workshops (concurrent):
City of Toronto: How to effectively use the Wellbeing Toronto website
Dr. Janet Murray: Implementing the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework in service delivery
JF&CS: Implementing Financial Empowerment programs in service delivery
Certificate of Completion will be provided to all participants who attend for the full day
Cost: Free
Kosher Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks Provided | Free Parking | Fully Accessible Setting