To report child abuse or neglect, please call 416.638.7800 x 6234. Outside of regular business hours, please call our after-hours answering service
at 1-800-404-1393 to be redirected to one of our staff. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Jewish Camp Subsidies
Sending a child or teen to camp can be prohibitively expensive. Hundreds of Jewish families in the GTA struggle to afford rent, utilities or food. A camp experience is often a luxury most of our clients cannot afford. With the help of UJA Federation and community donors, we are able to send most of our foster kids and children of low-income families to camp. Last year, we sent close to 200 kids to camp. Yet, a waitlist still exists.
Click here to donate and help us offer more camp subsidies.
Call 416-638-7800, ext. 6234, to speak with our Intake team about sending your own Jewish child to camp.