To report child abuse or neglect, please call 416.638.7800 x 6234. Outside of regular business hours, please call our after-hours answering service at 1-800-404-1393 to be redirected to one of our staff. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
true stories
Mira immigrated to Canada with her husband and two young children. When she came to JF&CS, she was separated from her husband but living with her two children in an apartment where her abusive husband was the superintendent of the building. This put Mira and her children in a very precarious and unsafe position.
Not only did he have access to her unit, but he also had the opportunity to berate and abuse her on a daily basis. She couldn’t afford to move and was scared because of the poor credit and minimal funds her husband left her with. Eventually, she found the courage to take her children and moved in with her cousin as a temporary solution.
Mira met with a JF&CS social worker and explained her situation. She wanted to provide a safe environment for her children and she wanted to put an end to the abuse. Her social worker helped her apply for special priority housing and was quickly offered an apartment unit that was safe and clean. Mira received financial assistance to buy all of the necessary essentials to get her and her children set up in their home.
Now, Mira feels safe. She no longer has the stress of worrying whether she will see her ex-husband in the elevator, halls, underground parking or the laundry room. To her, that is worth everything. Because of the help JF&CS provided, Mira and her children are now living in a safe home free from the constant daily abuse.
*Names, photos and certain identifying features have been changed in order to protect the anonymity of our clients.