To report child abuse or neglect, please call 416.638.7800 x 6234. Outside of regular business hours, please call our after-hours answering service at 1-800-404-1393 to be redirected to one of our staff. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Services for families and caregivers with children who have special needs
JF&CS’ SupportAbility program provides a range of case management services to families of children with developmental disabilities and works with parents to enhance their child’s quality of life.
SupportAbility services include:
assessment of a child's and family's needs, identifying possible resources, services and supports
development and coordination of a support plan
support, advocacy, counselling and education for families
Our clients are families in the GTA and York Region, who have children up to the age of 18 who are living at home and have, or are suspected of having, developmental disabilities. Referrals are accepted directly from the family, other social services agencies, schools and community programs.
The SupportAbility helps families make connections to appropriate services from community agencies, schools, medical professionals and government programs. We provide current information on resources, government funding and funding from other sources, respite care, and educational and recreational services (including one-to-one counsellors for children attending summer camp or school break programs). Parent support groups are offered at different times throughout the year.
To access services for a family with a child who has a developmental disability, please contact 416-638-7800, ext. 6234.